The Coffee Table Questions 2024!

Welcome to this years coffee table questions!

Sign ups are now open. To subscribe, simply click the button below and fire me an e-mail from the address you wish to sign up with.

These questions are intended to be short questions which test your knowledge of the patent law outlined in the FD1 syllabus.

Typically the questions are 10 marks or less, and aim to test a breadth of topics to allow you to identify knowledge gaps in your learning. They are not intended to replace revision, only to act as an aid thereto.

I only update the mailing list on a weekend, so don’t worry if you don’t get confirmation right away.

This mailing list is provided voluntarily and at no cost for revision purposes to trainees preparing for the FD1 final exam. There may be inaccuracies in the mark schemes provided, and the author is happy to consider fleshed out corrections for circulation. If in any doubt, please check with a qualified Patent Attorney. These questions and mark schemes are provided for the purpose of aiding revision only. Although I don't think this needs to be said, the information contained therein must not be relied upon in any other situation.

 You can unsubscribe from this e-mail list any time be replying with the subject line containing ‘unsubscribe’.